Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2011 Budget

Here's what my 2011 budget sits at right now. This is subject to change - maybe sooner rather than later, since I'm only temping right now and applying for permanent jobs, but none yet :(

Since I am currently being paid weekly, I will be tracking weekly and hopefully this will make it easier to budget. So far, I think so. But time will tell ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Makky's Mom,

    I'm not single, living with fiance and he pays for the groceries! So, I just pay what I may need extra (eating out for lunch once a week, dinner/coffee with friends etc).

    I've been trying to "manage" living on this budget, this is the tighest budget I've ever put myself on, but if I want to get this debt paid down by the end of next year, this is the sacrifices I'm going to HAVE to make.

    Thanks for dropping by :)
